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Advantages of distributed ledgers

Image by Campaign Creators

Increased Transparency

Image by Marc-Olivier Jodoin

Virtual Data Rooms

Image by Visual Stories || Micheile

Cost Savings


Reduce Operational Inefficencies


Authenticated Digital Records

Image by Scott Graham


Increased transparency

Distributed ledgers are inherently  resistant to malicious changes by a single party or cyber attacks.

The distributed files prevent a single simultaneous attack from succeeding, therefore the difficulty of manipulation and attack on distributed ledgers allows for extensive transparency.

Use of Distributed Ledgers:

How does it work?

Multiple nodes process and verify with complete agreement each piece of information which creates an Immutable record of the information.

Who uses DLT?

Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is revolutionizing the way corporations, governments and institutions conduct operations using information immutably preserved.

Emerging DLT areas

Includes finance (VDR), art and antiquities, supply chain depth of vision, asset management, precious metals, and natural resources.

How does TruDoss use DLT?

Each person, or organization, writing to the distributed ledger has a unique identity. Every piece of data that goes on the distributed ledger has a unique identifier which is called a cryptographic hash. 

Image by Arno Senoner
Image by Nick Chong
  • Finance

  • Supply chain

  • Various commodities

Image by Alina Grubnyak
  • Music and entertainment

  • Diamonds and precious assets

  • Artwork

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